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Game details

Points Points (?): (#13) "Аперитив" Discussion
Game author: Арк
The game complexity factor: 0.09
Author's factor of game complexity: 0.2
The game quality index: 10
Scenario availability: Availible only for players
Game: Points
Game format: Team (limit 7 people)
The levels passing sequence: Linear
Maximum distance: 1
Start of the game: 2/15/2014 3:30:00 PM (UTC +1)
The beginning of the game in your time zone: (UTC )
The game completion time: 2/15/2014 8:00:00 PM (UTC +1)
Participation fee:0en usd
Prize fund: 0en usd (0% from the sum of subscription)
In the game participated: 3 teams (statistics)
Game status: Game is not available for playing
Responses in the guest book: 6 messages
The list of administrators who actually had access to the scenario: air, Арк (in detail)
Requested participations 0 teams.
Approved participations 3 teams: Пантон, Bad_to_the_bone, Свиномартыпсина

TOP-10 of game

  Teams Finish Bonus Penalty Finish (-bonuses +penalties) Points Rates
  #1  Свиномартыпсина 2/15/2014 4:48:57 PM 2/15/2014 4:48:57 PM 0.92 10
  #2  Bad_to_the_bone 2/15/2014 4:59:02 PM 2/15/2014 4:59:02 PM 0.41 10
  #3  Пантон 2/15/2014 5:36:48 PM 2/15/2014 5:36:48 PM 0.37 10

Game rating
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From game author



Пешеходная игра в честь моего дня рождения, играют только приглашенные.



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Встречаемся возле ГУМа в 17.20, стараемся не опаздывать.
3/13/2025 11:18:32 PM
(UTC +1)
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  • Арк (Аркадий)                     7569598 (мтс)
  • TeMaH (Артем)                     8762007 (мтс)
  • lezvie (Сергей)                     3459897 (мтс)
  • Sarge (Сергей)                     7251214 (мтс)